Last night at the end of my Bodyflow class (a combination of Tai-Chi,Yoga and Pilates), the teacher said:
"I want to let you know that I am grateful for being here, for you coming to take care of yourselves and for being able to stay in health..I just lost a very close friend who wasn't in health and that makes me very sad".
Her emotions touched me deeply and my mind was propelled into a spiral of thoughts.
My first reaction was to text my hubby and thank him for allowing me to take my class by staying with our congested baby at home.
It only took a couple of seconds and there I was again..connecting dots in my head: dancing, friendship, health, movement, eating habits, willpower..My puzzled mind needed some formatting.
Countless are the moments when we feel tired, sick, emotional, lonely or just missing loved ones; and then we decide to put on our dancing shoes, our yoga pants, our cycling helmets and just go against the wind.
Those bits when we dare to reach out and take control are invaluable. We connect with our souls in motion together with other souls out there crossing our path.
Motion brings fresh air inside and outside.. imagine when those moves are joined by meaningful songs, by old stories, by the remembrance of someone..
Israeli Dancing establishes a relationship between our toes all the way to our hearts.. moreover it reaches out and in cases brings everlasting friendships, like it did with me. I am so thankful for it!
No matter what form you choose, award yourself the opportunity and joy of action, allow yourself to be surprised by what you can achieve; make your body breathe the nothingness of being in the moment.
Feel the equality of humankind and pay honor to the sacredness of all.
I need to get up and stand
The stream is too strong
I have to keep on going
Towards a new tomorrow
It's not easy
But there is still hope
Something else always turns up
And it is over.
( from Lakum Vela'amod -To Arise and Stand)
Very Good!!!!!!